
July 29, 2015

CAT 2015 Pattern change: Still 4 months left to prepare

Compared to last year, where the total duration of the exam was 170 minutes and the candidates were allowed to switch among the two sections. This year the pattern has been changed entirely. As per the new CAT Exam Pattern 2015, the total duration of the exam has been increased to 180 minutes or three hours, with total 100 questions to be answered. Below are the changes that have been done in the Exam Pattern of CAT 2015, CAT is a computer based objective type test with multiple choice questions.  The total duration of the exam is 180 minutes with exact 60 minutes to answer each section. The total number of questions is 100, divided into three sections. The exam will be divided into three sections namely, Quantitative Aptitude (QA), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning...

March 29, 2015

Especially VS Specially?

These two words may have similar sounds but you have to be choosy when you using it.  Especially or Specially?  This is a favorite question of grammar checkers. Most of the time there is little or no difference between the words especially and specially.  Special is a common adjective. Specially is its adverb form. Special means "particular, distinguished in a distinct way, or designed for a particular purpose." Specially means "particularly, in a distinguishing manner, or for a particular purpose."  Especial is an uncommon adjective. Especially, its adverb form, is much more common. Especial means "exceptional, noteworthy, or particular." Especially means "exceptionally, in a noteworthy manner, or particularly."  In the sense of "particular" or...

March 26, 2015

Quantitave Ability Syllabus for Cat 2015

Hi Guys, It's not much time left for Cat 2015 Examination, which is about to be held in November 2015. So without much of words/paragraphs below is the Syllabus for Quantitative Ability Section. 1. Number System 2. Mixtures and Allegations 3. Percentages 4. Squares and Cubes of Numbers 5. Ratio, Proportion and Variation 6. Profit and Loss 7. Simple & Compound Interest 8. Time and Work 9. Permutations and Combinations 10. Time, Speed and Distance 11. Logarithms (log) 12. Quadratic Equations 13. Inequalities 14. Probability 15. Algebra 16. Mensuration 17. Trigonometry 18. Geometry, Charts Click Here. CAT 2014 Website EnggExpert - Welcome to the world of Engineer...

January 06, 2015

Laws Of Thermodynamics

The Three laws of Thermodynamics are as follows. Zeroth Law: When two are in constant thermal equilibrium with a third body then they two are also in equal thermal equilibrium with each other. First Law: Law of Conversation of Energy This law States that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only be transformed from one form of energy to another. Second law : The entropy of an isolated system not in thermal equilibrium always increases. Third Law: Entropy of a system approaches constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero. Terms Used: Absolute Zero: The lowest temperature that is theoretically possible. Entropy : A Thermodynamic property that is the measure of a systems thermal energy per unit temperature that us unavailable for doing useful work....

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