
December 26, 2012

Operations Research

It's 27th December today, Second day from Christmas and 4 days away from a New year to begin. I must be happy with this day, you all must be thinking like this. But I'm not happy neither anywhere it, as I'm having an exam to give today which is Operations Research. Exams ruined all my Happenings, and still going on. 7th too spoiled, which is my sister's birthday. . Subject is mixed with theory and numerical(thank god no more derivations). So it seemed easy to me. Ha ha. Let's pray for my exam today. Wish me luck....

December 25, 2012

Refrigeration and air conditioning.

A subject of Maharishi Dayanand University in 7th semester is a big nut in a shell to be nailed out. Or maybe It was my hard luck due to which I'm going to be failing in this. How many coincidence can occur at once? Many if you ask me. First The Question Paper, Second our class in charge, and Third an external teacher. Question paper was 60% out of syllabus, see this case can happen only in MDU. Our class in charge then over paper was much more of a scene herself. External was visiting every 5 minutes. So I failed in this subject. And I'm preparing again for the same in next semester. Wish me luck....

July 06, 2012

Governor : Type of Governors

Governor Define Type of Governors : Centrifugal Governors Inertial Governors Centrifugal Governors Pendulum Type – Watt Governor – Simple Governor Dead Weight Type Dead Weight Type Loaded type Spring Controlled Loaded type Porter Governor Proell Governor Spring Controlled Governor Hartnell Hartung Wilson Hartnell More About Governors - http://enggexpert.blogspot.in/search?q=governor&x=0&y=0...

June 22, 2012

Engine Assembly of Honda Motorcycles

In this Training we came to know about Engine Assembly of Honda Dio.   Engine Assembly sounds a very short word but when an engine is to be assembled, it takes a whole lot of time to assemble a single engine. So don’t go by the name. Engine Assembly procedure is done through the following steps : Step 1 : A “R-CASE” is used in this step in which three kinds of Bearings are fitted or can say are pressed using “RCC bearing Press”. RCC bearing Press weighs 2000 kg’s, which is enough to kill a Blue Whale even by pressurising. Three bearings of different diameters are pressurised in R-Case. R-Case Is shown above for better Understanding....

June 14, 2012

Matrix Algebra Topics - Linear Algebra - Gate Syllabus 2012

Gate Syllabus 2012 for Mechanical EngineeringEngineering MathematicsLinear AlgebraMatrix Algebra Topics Gauss Jordan Method (Obtain Inverse using elementary row Transformations). Rank of a Matrix Solution of a System of Linear equations Unique Solution (AX=B condition) Vectors Linear Dependence and Linear Independence of vectors Linear Transformations Orthogonal Transformations Characteristic equation Eigen Vectors Properties of Eigen Values Cayley Hamilton Theorem Reduction to Diagonal Form Calculations of Powers of a Matrix Similar Matrices Theory on Similar Matrices Quadratic Forms Linear transformations of a quadratic forms Canonical Form Index and signature of quadratic Form Definite Semi-Definite and Indefinite Real quadratic forms Law of inertia of Quadratic form Reduction to canonical...

June 10, 2012

Internship Final year Mdu Btech

Its confirmed now that bTech pursuing students need to attend Internship in final year. Its a rule from Mud rohtak now. In eighth semester we gonna attend this internship. Good to know about it and an update from Mdu which is also known for late notification...

Heat and Mass Transfer

Subject of third year for Mechanical students having F scheme. Just a final exam left for third year, after this coming 12th June i'll have completed my Third year. But i wanna end my third year at a good note, unfortunately this subject won't let me do it. I'm gonna try my best this time. Will surely crack it, as this ain't a time when i can afford a supply. There are total of four sections in syllabus. Two chapters in each section, will b doing one chapter in each. Till now done with a single section. Lets night trying to do another one was as well. I can do a total of three chapters in this small time, but its enough to crack this exam. Books...

June 08, 2012

Automatic Control

Very Difficult subject, had to cram every single word of this subject. Can't understand the meaning even of this subject name. :-( Reference Books B.C.Nakra S.Hasan.Saeed J.B.Dix...

June 06, 2012

Two exams left of 3rd Year Mdu University

Just two exams left of 3rd Year, Btech. They Both are : Automatic Control - 9th June 2012 Heat and Mass Transfer - 12th June 2012 Just two days, then i'll be the Super Senior.I can enjoy then at my will, no peer pressure. Teachers are mostly friends till then, no offenses to anyone regarding it. College seems like a place to hangout for. 4 subjects total in final year. And they all are easy to crack. :-P Can rag anyone at will and nobody can complain even. So cool. (Beware of bad ppl though) Can't wait to be a Super Senior....

June 05, 2012

Industrial Engineering - Books To Refer -VIth Semester

Industrial Engineering - T.R.Banga Today on 6th June 2012, Its my Semester exam of Industrial engineering. Mdu University. Its an easy subject still you need to cram up things. So bored of cramming.. :-( Books to Refer :T.R.Banga O.P.Khanna Savita Shar...

June 04, 2012

Galaxy sII Android ICS Pros and Cons

 Galaxy SII - Android ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) Pros and Cons Pros 1. Better User Graphical Interface 2. Twice stable as GingerBread. 3. Fast Browsing with the availability of Google Chrome in ICS. Cons 1. Drinks Battery(but you can manage it by using apps like Android assistant and Juice Defende...

May 06, 2012

Heat Transfer and Newton's Law of Cooling

Heat transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of thermal energy and heat between physical systems. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, and transfer of energy by phase changes. Engineers also consider the transfer of mass of differing chemical species, either cold or hot, to achieve heat transfer. While these mechanisms have distinct characteristics, they often occur simultaneously in the same system. Heat conduction, also called diffusion, is the direct microscopic exchange of kinetic energy of particles through the boundary between two systems. When an object is at a different temperature from another body or its surroundings, heat flows so that the...

May 04, 2012

MDU DateSheet–6th Sem–Mechanical

All of a Sudden on Facebook, there came a notification saying ”Date sheet aa gyi hai, Check it asap” So in rush, turned over to MDU website and found out that it wasn’t a prank. In actual Date sheet was Out. So the Dates are like : 26 May 2012 – Measurement & Instrumentation 30 May 2012 – Automobile Engineering 2 June 2012 – Mechanical machine Design – II (4Hours Paper) 6 June 2012 – Industrial Engineering 9 June 2012 – Automatic Control 12 June 2012– Heat Transfer EnggExpert - Welcome to the world of Enginee...

February 21, 2012

MDU 6th Sem Subjects

Total of Six Subjects and Three Labs :- Subjects : Automatic Engineering Mechanical Machine Design – II Heat Transfer Automatic Control Measurement & Instrumentation Industrial Engineering Labs : Automobile Engineering Lab Heat Transfer Lab Measurement & Instrumentation Lab General Proficiency is for 50 marks as well.  ...

February 01, 2012

Indian Engineering Services

Indian Engineering Services Examination (IES) is conducted by UPSC, India every year. It is conducted for the recruitment to the engineering categories in government services like Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Tele Communication Engineering. Those who clear IES can join in good grades and they have a faster career progression in government sector. Those who are looking for a stable government job in engineering cadre, IES is the exam you need to watch out for. IES exam is usually conducted in June and it is an exam spread over three years. The notification of the exam commences on the month of January and applications.IES exam has some sections like objective type papers in engineering subject areas subjective papers different based...

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