
September 17, 2011

Centrifugal Governors

A centrifugal governor is a specific type of governor that controls the speed of an engine by regulating the amount of fuel (or working fluid) admitted, so as to maintain a near constant speed whatever the load or fuel supply conditions. It uses the principle of proportional control. When the load on an engine increases, speed decreases then the working fluid supply increases. And vice versa when the load on an engine decreases....


Governor as the name indicates “Control”. main function of governor is to maintain the Mean speed of an engine. These are classified into two types: Centrifugal Governors, and Inertial Governors....

Centrifugal & Centripetal Forces

Centrifugal Force is that force which is experienced by a body when moving in a rotational motion, feels to have a outward force. Centripetal force is that force in which body is centre seeking. Tends to move towards the centre. Centrifugal and centripetal are different from each other. These are not to be confused with each oth...

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