
January 08, 2016

CAT 2015 Results: 9000 candidates score zero or negative

CAT 2015 Results announced by IIM-A has revealed that about 9000 candidates have either scored zero or negative marks in the coveted MBA entrance exam. This year, a total of 1,79,602 candidates had appeared for the exam out of 2,18,664 applicants. The CAT 2015 Results were announced via text SMS to the mobile number of registered candidates on January 8.According to the number of test takers shared by IIM Ahmedabad, which conducted CAT on behalf of all IIMs this year, the detailed score cards carry more details on sectional scores of all candidates. The CAT 2015 official results data available with Careers360 suggests that candidates...

CAT 2015 Result: Know scaled score of CAT 2015 Topper who gets 99.99 percentile

How much you needed to get almost 100 percentile in CAT 2015? What scaled score would have brought you a percentile close to 100? After CAT 2015 results are declared now, Careers360 brings you insights into how much score fetched 99.99 percentile for a CAT topper in 2015. CAT 2015 Topper Rajeev Reddy achieved 99.99 percentile with an overall scaled score of 242 marks.We bring to you here the score card of the CAT 2015topper. As per the CAT 2015 score card issued by IIM Ahmedabad, Rajeev Reddy scored 89.03 scaled score in Quantitative Aptitude. He also scored a scaled score of 86.74 in VA & RC. His overall scaled score of 242 brought...

Check CAT 2015 Result Score Card Name wise Marks Topper Roll no-iimcat.ac.in

CAT 2015 Result Score Card Name wise Marks Topper Roll no wise declared at iimcat.ac.in today on 08th January 2016,IIM CAT 2015Result, IIM CAT 2015 rank card,IIM CAT 2015 Result Score Card, cut off , Merit list Download  declared at iimcat.ac.in5, CAT result link,  CAT result by name CAT 2015 Result Check Score Card Name Wise : The Indian Institute of Management(IIM) was successfully completed  Common Admission Test (CAT) 2014 on November 29th. Every year IIMs organize CAT to take admission to Indian Institute of Managements (IIMs) all over the India. This year CAT 2015 was organized by IIM. More then 2 Lakh of student was appeared in this exam from various part of country. IIM has declared CAT 2017 Result today on 08th January 2016 on official website of IIMCAT...

July 29, 2015

CAT 2015 Pattern change: Still 4 months left to prepare

Compared to last year, where the total duration of the exam was 170 minutes and the candidates were allowed to switch among the two sections. This year the pattern has been changed entirely. As per the new CAT Exam Pattern 2015, the total duration of the exam has been increased to 180 minutes or three hours, with total 100 questions to be answered. Below are the changes that have been done in the Exam Pattern of CAT 2015, CAT is a computer based objective type test with multiple choice questions.  The total duration of the exam is 180 minutes with exact 60 minutes to answer each section. The total number of questions is 100, divided into three sections. The exam will be divided into three sections namely, Quantitative Aptitude (QA), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning...

March 29, 2015

Especially VS Specially?

These two words may have similar sounds but you have to be choosy when you using it.  Especially or Specially?  This is a favorite question of grammar checkers. Most of the time there is little or no difference between the words especially and specially.  Special is a common adjective. Specially is its adverb form. Special means "particular, distinguished in a distinct way, or designed for a particular purpose." Specially means "particularly, in a distinguishing manner, or for a particular purpose."  Especial is an uncommon adjective. Especially, its adverb form, is much more common. Especial means "exceptional, noteworthy, or particular." Especially means "exceptionally, in a noteworthy manner, or particularly."  In the sense of "particular" or...

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